Below is a list of the most commonly asked Salesforce Lightning questions. It's a great place to check for your solution!
Salesforce Lightning Configuration
Salesforce Lightning Reporting
Salesforce Lightning BombBomb Logs
Bixel Tracking vs. Job Statistics
Bixel statistics include any email sends not sent from BombBomb. Those typically occur in Gmail (using the Chrome Extension), Outlook, and other integrations. Job statistics are email sends that BombBomb sends on behalf of a user. The majority of those come from using our web app, mobile apps, and other integrations.
Salesforce Lightning Tracking
Are there multiple records with the same email?
We look up the contact record to report by matching the email to a combination of the WhoID and AccountID for the organization the BombBomb user is connected to. The tracking data is applied to the first matching email we find.
Was the integration used for the first time recently?
Our integration needs to automatically sync the contacts and leads from the Salesforce organization to begin reporting tracking information to the appropriate records. The sync process triggers immediately when an integration is connected and can take up to a few hours (depending on the number of contacts to sync).
Unable to see tracking information when clicking the link.
When sending an email through the Salesforce servers, an email record is not created within BombBomb. This is why the link does not point to a valid tracking page.
Salesforce Lightning Configuration
Can I install the integration for a specific set of users?
This is a standard Salesforce feature that applies to all components, not just our integration. Here's the information on how to do so: lightning component visibility based on profile.
Can I ensure emails aren't sent to the Do Not Call/Email list?
Our integration supports the EmailOptOut standard field and the Individual Privacy Settings in Salesforce. The integration needs to be told to abide by one or both of those rules in the custom BombBomb Settings. Instructions should be available in that installation guide.
Salesforce Lightning Reporting
Is there a relationship between the BombBomb reports in Salesforce and those reports in BombBomb itself? (BombBomb's Event by User, Last 7 Days, etc.)
No, there is no direct relationship. The reports included in the installation package of our Salesforce Lightning Integration focus on aggregating events sent to Salesforce, and they attempt to correlate that activity to specific users and/or impact on revenue. The Team Dashboard within BombBomb aggregates all user activity for members of your team and reveals top performers and face-to-face time through video interaction.
Is there a difference in Reporting if a User sends the email from the BombBomb site or within Salesforce?
This could impact the results on the Team Dashboard. Whenever a video is sent through other email services or social applications, there will be no email record within BombBomb to represent that. Those messages will not be included in the Email Results section; however, the videos within those messages will still be tracked in the Video Results section.
Do Users need to own the Contacts the email is sent to for the email to be recorded in the Reporting?
(Example: I send an email to 10 Contacts, but I only own 5. What will the reporting show? I sent 10 Emails or 5?)
This is dependent on the permissions allotted to your Salesforce users. As long as your users have the "read" permission to the Contact or Lead records they are sending to, our system will be able to use their authentication credentials to identify a correlated activity and trigger the event into your system.
Is there a way to grant our Account Execs access to the BombBomb Video App in Salesforce to see the Reporting but ONLY for the Sub-Team they are on?
If they are only an admin of the subteam, they should only see the subteam in the Team Dashboard page. The Team Dashboard page will only display what the user is an admin of.
Salesforce Lightning BombBomb Logs
"Remove" permission to object "bbvideo__BombBombEvent__c" is not allowed for the current user.
This means that a user is attempting to delete a BombBomb Event object but does not have permission to do so. This may be the integration acting on a user's behalf or another process or action that was prevented. Make sure the appropriate permission sets are assigned to your user.
Salesforce Email Templates
When sending a BombBomb email from a Salesforce account, what kind of BombBomb email templates get pulled into Salesforce?
Only BombBomb Quick Send email templates get pulled into Salesforce.
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