Gathering details from your contacts or sphere of influence can be a pain. BombBomb has Forms so you can let people provide their own details, cutting out a ton of work on your end.
Forms are an easy and efficient way to collect information from your contacts or provide another way for people to opt into receiving your emails. Our Form Builder lets you customize your Form however you'd like, making opt-ins easy as pie.
Check out the video to see the ins and outs of building a Form, or read the step-by-step instructions below!
Important Note: Forms are only available to legacy and Prompt users of BombBomb.
If you prefer to read, here's a step by step:
Step 1: To make a new Form from scratch, go to your Forms tab and then click the "New Form" button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Step 2: If you hover over the sections at the top, buttons will appear on the right side that allow you to perform different functions. The arrow button allows you to drag and drop that specific field anywhere in the Form so you can reorder your fields. You can also edit the field to change the text, selection type, or make the field required. Or you can remove the field.
Note: If you'd like a different field, we recommend adding it instead of editing a preexisting field. Each field is connected to specific custom fields for your account and you don't want to break this connection!
Step 3: To edit a field, click the "Edit" button that appears to the right of the field when you hover over it. Here, you can change the text of the field, what kind of selection you provide, and make the field required. Once you're finished, select "Save" to save your changes.
Step 4: If you'd like to add another field, you can do so in the next section. You have the option of adding an existing field you've already created to your Form. Or you can create a completely new field by entering the text of the field and either hitting Enter or clicking the "New Field" button.
Step 5: You can change your Form to reflect a preset theme that we've created. We offer a few different color and style options for you to choose from. If you're slightly advanced and wish to have a custom background, you can do so by selecting the "Custom" theme and entering an image code into the appearing text box.
Step 6: Toward the bottom of the Form, you can customize your Form options and how the follow-up of this Form will work. On the left, you can edit the text of the Form name and the text that displays on the submit button. Underneath that, you have some options as far as adding those who fill out this Form to lists: you can automatically add people to a list, automatically send people a specific email, or automatically add people to an automation you've created.
Step 7: On the right, you're provided the Form URL that you can copy and paste anywhere you'd like to share your Form. There is also an option to choose to override information that has been inputted from the same individual twice. You can also enter a different email address of someone that you'd like to be notified anytime this Form has been filled out. The last two options you can check are the option to require a double opt-in after someone fills out this Form and the option to display CASL information at the bottom of your Form. This last option is always checked by default because it helps to protect you.
Step 8: At the very bottom of the email is where you can dictate what happens when someone submits their Form. You can choose to display you own text, which you can edit in the textbox displayed, or you can choose to redirect them to another URL. Just fill in the field and then select from the dropdown if you'd like the page to open in the same window or a new window. Once you're completely finished with your Form, click "Save Options" at the bottom and you're all done!
- Sharing and tracking Forms
In the Form tab, you'll see all of the Forms you have created. In line with each Form, you can see at first glance how many responses your Form has gotten. You can also edit, copy, or delete the Form here, along with going to the tracking page for the Form or getting the embed code so you can embed it on a website. On the right, you'll also see a link that you can copy and paste to share your Form, as well as a "Share" dropdown where you can quickly share your Form on social media.
- Custom Fields
At the top left of your Forms tab, you'll see a "Custom Fields" button. This is where all of your pre-created fields will live or where you can go to create new ones. You can also do this in your Form Editor, but this is a good place to go if you want to see all of your fields collectively.
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