Ordering a Custom email template design




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    Maria Barrett

    Why is there no "Add ons" under my profile when I click on it?  None of the instructions to help me get my branding set up are working on my profile.... Help!!! 

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    David Brown

    Hi Maria!

    Thank you for reaching out. I just looked at your account and was able to see the Add Ons tab. If you hover over your name in the top right hand corner of your account, you should see it there. 

    Another way of access that page is to hover over your name and click "Edit My Profile."

    From the Profile page, you will see "Custom Email Design" on the left side.

    If you have any other questions or issues please feel free to email us at support@bombbomb.com.


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    Jessica Evans

    I don't see the "add ons" option either. When I hover over my name nothing happens. When I click the dropdown, I get 3 options, none of them are add ons. When I click "edit my profile" there is no "custom email design" on the left side. These instructions don't seem to work.

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    David Brown

    Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for reaching out. Please be sure you are accessing your account and logging in via bombbomb.com.

    I just looked at your account and was able to see the Add Ons tab. If you hover over your name in the top right hand corner of your account, you should see it there. 

    Another way of access that page is to hover over your name and click "Edit My Profile."

    From the Profile page, you will see "Custom Email Design" on the left side.

    If you have any other questions or issues please feel free to email us at support@bombbomb.com.

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