Billing & Pricing FAQs




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    Martha Wilson

    When I go to my subscription I do not see billing as this article suggests.  Still don't know how to find my invoice/payment history!

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    Paul Case

    Hey Martha, 

    So sorry for the delayed response. If you are in your BombBomb account, click on your picture in the top right and choose "My Subscription", then "Manage Billing", and then choose "Billing History", you will see your payment history and be able to download specific invoices. I hope this is helpful!  

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    Jerry Hendriks

    I do not see it either...It is not under the picture

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    Jen Zemp

    Hi Jerry,

    Glad to help clarify why you are not seeing the My Subscription option.

    In your case, you do not see the "My Subscription" option because your account is being paid by another payer.  So only the team owner/payer has access to this information.  So you would need to request that information from them.

    We are always happy to help!


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