Prompt keeps you top of mind by providing a consistent monthly touch to audiences who are valuable to your business. These individuals are your peers, friends, satisfied clients and beyond. They are your biggest supporters and advocates. They're the ones most likely to refer new business to you and do business with you again in the future.
If you aren’t sure whom to add to your Prompt campaign, below are three unique audiences, all of whom are valuable to the future success of your business and would be a great fit to be included with your monthly Prompt campaigns sends!
Existing clients: The last thing you want is for a past client to forget about you after their transaction is complete — or worse, go with a competitor down the road. It's important to continue fostering a positive relationship with this audience because they are your biggest advocates and likely to refer new business to you, organically boosting your business.
Peers and friends: Think of friends and peers who view you as a credible source for expertise in your field. To identify these individuals think about who you speak to or do business with frequently. Who has recently sought your input or asked you questions pertaining to your industry? There’s a reason these individuals come to you for help — they respect your opinion and consider you knowledgeable. They are likely to recommend you to others as a top go-to when the opportunity arises, thus they're a great audience to stay top of mind with!
Prospective clients: These are not leads, but rather individuals with whom you’ve already established a relationship with but are not quite to the transaction phase. Providing a consistent, monthly touch shows them that you care and also continues to build your relationship with them so they’re more likely to choose you once they are ready to move forward.
Best ways to add contacts to Prompt:
- Integrations
- Sync contacts with an integration
- Contact Uploader
- Copy & paste email addresses
- Upload .csv
- Add a single contact
- Where to look?
These contacts can be found in your:- Email inbox
- Your CRM
- An electronic spreadsheet
- Your phone
- Even sticky notes on your desk!
- Can I add additional contacts later?
- Yes, you can add additional contacts to Prompt at any time and we highly recommend adding new contacts to Prompt as the opportunity arises.
- BombBomb automatically eliminates duplicates in your list, so you can rest assured new contacts will be added without duplicating existing recipients.
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