BombBomb's Chrome Extension allows you to seamlessly record and send videos from wherever you're already working in Chrome. It works where you do — no toggling between screens, no switching tabs.
Right from your URL bar, you'll be able to:
- Record and share a video
- Track your messages
- Send a pre-recorded video
The Chrome Extension will also allow you to record and send videos right from Gmail! Read more about using BombBomb's Chrome Extension with Gmail here. You can also use the Chrome extension to embed videos in your Outlook emails or CRM.
Watch this video to get started, or read the step-by-step instructions below!
Jump to:
- Download the Chrome extension
- Record a video
- Share your video
- Record your screen
- Share videos from your Workspace
- Track your messages
1. Download the Chrome extension
Go to Google and search for "Chrome Web Store." Select the Chrome Web Store Extensions link in the results. In the search bar on the left, type in "bombbomb" (with two B's in the middle). Once you've found us, click the "Add to Chrome" button to the right of the extension and then the "Add Extension" button on the pop-up.
Where is it? You've installed the extension, but now you can't find it! You can find any extension you've added to Chrome by clicking the puzzle piece icon to the right of your URL bar. Then select "BombBomb Video," and it will pop right up.
Pin it: To make sure the extension always shows up on your URL bar, click the "Pin" icon to the right of "BombBomb Video" to pin this extension permanently.
2. Record a video
Once you have opened the BombBomb extension, it will open on the "Record" tab. You have two choices from here:
- Record Yourself: Use this to record a video of yourself.
- Record Your Screen: Use this to record your screen. (You will also have an option to record yourself on your screen.)
Select which you'd like and click "Launch Recorder."
From here, you have a few options:
- Retitle your video.
- Switch to the Screen Recorder by clicking the icon on the bottom left.
- Switch your camera, microphone, or video size by clicking the Gear icon on the bottom right.
- Start recording by clicking the red circle in the center.
Once you've recorded your video you can:
Watch it by clicking the "Play" icon
Re-record it
Add your CTA or Call-to-Action banner if you want to include a link.
Choose a thumbnail. (Note: Choosing a thumbnail will override your animated gif!)
And once you're happy with it, you can click "Save."
3. Share your video
Now that you've clicked "Save," you can quickly share your video.
- The "Copy for Email" button will copy the HTML you can paste into any email or email CRM such as Outlook, Apple Mail, Salesforce, ZoHo, and HubSpot.
- The "Copy Link" button will copy the link so you can paste it anywhere you want, such as LinkedIn, Facebook Messenger, or Slack.
- The "Send with BombBomb Template" link will open a Quick Send email from your BombBomb account, where you can send through BombBomb and change your template if desired. (This feature is only available for BombBomb Video subscriptions.)
Done! Wasn't that easy?
4. Record your screen
The "Screen Recorder" on the Google Chrome extension is a great way to walk people through something visually on your screen. When you open the extension, under "What would you like to record?" select "Record Your Screen" and then click "Launch Recorder." You will then be asked to give permission to open the BombBomb Screen Recorder.
To learn the ins and outs of using the screen recorder, read "How do I use the screen recorder?"
5. Share videos from your Workspace
Do you want to quickly share a video you've already recorded from wherever you are on the web? You're in the right place!
Step 1: Open your BombBomb Chrome extension and click on the "Videos" tab. From here, you can sort your videos using the "All Labels" dropdown. You can also search using the Search field. You can even upload a video by clicking on the green "Up" arrow.
Step 2: Once you've found the video you'd like to send, click on the three dots to the right of the video. You have a few options here:
- Preview will allow you to quickly watch the video.
- Copy link will copy the link to paste wherever you need it, such as LinkedIn, Facebook Messenger, or Slack.
- Copy for Email will allow you to copy the code to paste in an email, website, or anywhere else you'd like your video to appear.
- Copy Transcript will copy the transcript of what you said in the video to your clipboard so you can paste in anywhere.
- Send with Custom email template will open a Quick Send email so that you can send the email through BombBomb using a Custom email template.
- Edit Video will take you to your edit video page in BombBomb where you can add a call-to-action, trim, or add security settings to your video.
- Delete will allow you to delete a video you don't need.
6. Track your messages
If you want to quickly check if someone has interacted with your message, right from your URL bar, click on the Tracking tab. You can search by message and view who has opened your emails, clicked on your links, and viewed your videos. You can also see the percentage of your video viewed and the longest watch of your videos. To filter for any of these elements, use the filter on the right.
That's it! We hope this easy tool will make you as efficient as ever in making meaningful connections through video messages with the people in your life!
Keep learning:
- How to use BombBomb's Chrome extension with Gmail
- How do I install, uninstall, or reinstall the Chrome extension?
- How do I troubleshoot the Chrome extension?
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