BombBomb wants to help you have more visibility into who engages with your videos. We are able to provide insights into who plays your video using two techniques: targeted urls and cookies.
Targeted urls
We are able to identify individuals who play your video with custom links that include an id specific to the recipient you are sending to. Here's an example of this type of url:
This link includes an id and email address that is specific to that recipient. Using this link allows us to identify that was most likely the person who clicked the link and played that video.
When the viewer clicks the link, we also write down a cookie to their web browser that informs us in future that played your video.
Without these cookies, we are not able to determine who a viewer is if they play a video that was not sent as an individual email to them. If a BombBomb customer sends a text message or copies our general video link, we are unable to include a specific tracking link for that viewer. That means that the user shows up as Someone in our Video Watched notifications and on our video tracking pages.
An unidentified viewer watched a BombBomb video link using SMS
However, using cookies allows us to identify those viewers if they’ve been identified by a previous individual email send.
A previously identified viewer watched a BombBomb video link using SMS
Why am I being identified as one of my viewers?
Although using targeted urls and cookies can help identify who plays your videos, it can also cause problems if the targeted link is clicked by someone other than the intended recipient. For example, if you click the video link in the email you sent to a recipient from your Sent folder, you will inadvertently identify your own web browser as the person you sent the email to.
The sent folder dilemma
How to remove mis-identified cookies
If you believe that you have been misidentified by our system, you can clear the cookies we have saved to your browser by clicking the following link:
If you think someone else has been misidentified by our system, you can either send them the above link or you can send them an individual BombBomb tracked email that will update their identification to the correct email address.
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