Hey there, and welcome to your BombBomb account! Below is a brief overview of how to get started with BombBomb and what you can do from your Dashboard to start revolutionizing the way you communicate as fast as possible.
Watch the video below, or keep reading for a complete overview.
Login: To log in to your BombBomb account, head to www.bombbomb.com and click "Login" in the upper right corner. Fill in the fields with your login information. If you forgot your password, you can always click the "Forgot password?" link to send yourself a reset password email.
Once you log in, you'll see the BombBomb Dashboard. Here you can access all BombBomb has to offer.
Profile and Account Settings: When you click on your name in the top right corner, you can access your profile information and account settings. Keep reading below to find what features you can access here.
- Settings: Gives you access to the backend of your account so you can edit your video page, edit your profile, and adjust any settings or notifications.
- My subscription: Takes you to your specific subscription where you can review payment information, membership level, and make any billing adjustments needed.
Integrations: BombBomb works where you work. By clicking "Integrations," you can find information about all our integration partners. You can go here to get started setting up integrations for featured platforms or to get our API key if you'd like to create your integration set-up.
- Support: The "Support" section will be one of your best resources for getting help with your BombBomb account. Here you can read support articles, watch video tutorials, or search for answers to your questions.
- BombBomb Studios: Click this to access your on-demand learning hub with free, self-paced courses!
- Give Feedback: Gives you the opportunity to let us know what you would like to see. Whether it's removing, changing, or adding something, this gives us the chance to hear your voice.
Record a Video: You can record a video by clicking the "New Video" button on the top right or the orange bar in the "Send a new video" box on the left of your screen. Once you've recorded and saved a video you'll be taken to a page that allows you to edit the video or choose your delivery method.
Note: From these same buttons you can upload a video or use our screen & cam recorder that allows you to record yourself and your screen at the same time.
Tracking: On the right, you'll see your tracking feed. This tracks your videos and emails sent from any location, including your BombBomb account, the Quick Send, mobile app, and the Chrome extension.
This feed shows your most recent email opens and links clicks. It also displays video views, likes, and comments, along with how much of the video was watched. You can search for a video or email using the search field or using the filter to the right of the search field. You can also learn more about an individual video's statistics by clicking "View All Engagement." Learn more about email tracking and video tracking.
Helpful Links: On your Dashboard, you can also find a "Helpful Links" section. From here, you can update your profile and customize your video page. You can also explore use cases, the BombBomb Resource Hub, and even BombBomb Studios.
Dashboard tabs
At the top of your account, you'll see the various tabs where you can access your BombBomb features.
Videos: In the Videos tab, you can record new videos, upload previously recorded videos, edit thumbnail images, add or edit existing calls to action, and more. Any video you record using BombBomb or the BombBomb mobile app will live here. Learn more.
Emails: The Emails tab stores your emails and any emails you've previously sent. You can create a brand new customized email from scratch or edit and re-use an email you've already sent. Learn more.
Contacts: From the Contacts tab, you can add, delete, manage, and organize the contacts you send emails and videos to. This is also where you can create contact lists to make sending easier. Learn more.
Insights: This gives you the ability to see comparisons of your video plays, percentage watch, and face-to-face time, as well as your most engaged videos so you can learn what's working and what's not moving forward.
If you need a deeper walkthrough of your account then visit this course in BombBomb Studios to walk you through how to navigate your account as well as how to get your account set up for success.
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