Teleprompter with scripts on go across the computer screen while videoing



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    Ginger Harper

    I think this is a great idea..


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    David Brown

    Hi Ginger!

    Thank you for getting this request posted! If we are ever able to implement a feature like this in the future, we will be sure to let you know.

    Thank you!

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    Joe Parsons

    I have been recording videos for years, and most of mine are scripted.

    I started out using a webcam on my laptop and read the words from the screen underneath the webcam. The problem with this was that to the viewer, I was not making eye contact because I was not looking at the lens.

    The solution I use in longer, more formal videos has been to get the camera (a DSLR) about 8  feet away from me. I put my script into a program called Prompt (you can get it for free). Then it scrolls like the big boys' TelePromptTer. Because the camera is so far away, the viewer can't tell I am reading; it appears as though I am looking directly into the lens.

    For the simpler BombBomb videos, I have the camera closer: I put it on my desk on a small tripod. The one I got also has a sort of clamp to hold a smartphone. I print out my script and tape it right under the camera, so if I glance down at it, the viewer doesn't even notice.

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    Kerry Phillips

    There are apps for this now that run on your phone while you are recording. I have seen them shown during webinars, but not used one myself. I don't know if they could be used along with BB. I like to record on my laptop, so I need to find out if there is anything available to run on the computer that could run while BombBomb is recording.

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