Teleprompter with scripts on go across the computer screen while videoing
I just spoke to David Brown, with my request.
I have a hard time reading the small script print and another BombBomb user and I
think that getting a teleprompter incorporated into the video would be such a great idea.
YOu could video and the words go across the screen o the script and it would look much more comfortable to reading the script and having to get close with glasses on...
Think about it...
Ginger Harper
Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage-Southport NC office.
I have been recording videos for years, and most of mine are scripted.
I started out using a webcam on my laptop and read the words from the screen underneath the webcam. The problem with this was that to the viewer, I was not making eye contact because I was not looking at the lens.
The solution I use in longer, more formal videos has been to get the camera (a DSLR) about 8 feet away from me. I put my script into a program called Prompt (you can get it for free). Then it scrolls like the big boys' TelePromptTer. Because the camera is so far away, the viewer can't tell I am reading; it appears as though I am looking directly into the lens.
For the simpler BombBomb videos, I have the camera closer: I put it on my desk on a small tripod. The one I got also has a sort of clamp to hold a smartphone. I print out my script and tape it right under the camera, so if I glance down at it, the viewer doesn't even notice.
There are apps for this now that run on your phone while you are recording. I have seen them shown during webinars, but not used one myself. I don't know if they could be used along with BB. I like to record on my laptop, so I need to find out if there is anything available to run on the computer that could run while BombBomb is recording.
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