Download GIF
The GIF preview automatically created is gold. And in order to use on MailChimp and other places, I'd LOVEEEEEEE to be able to download it. Is this in the roadmap?
Official comment
Hello all,
At this time there is not a way to just download the animated gif at the start of a video through our service.
Thanks for checking in with us on this! Our product teams are continuing to work on different features to add to make our video tool even better. We will make sure to let them know that you are interested in this specific one.
We appreciate you using BombBomb in your business!
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Hi Chad!
That would definitely be an awesome feature! Currently that is not on our roadmap, but we will definitely add it to our list of features that would benefit our customers!
If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to
Alan Hernandez - If you are using Outlook, they have an integration that includes the GIF. I've also been able to get it to work in our CRM so it depends on what email system you are using. When I am in Share video and choose copy for email, whatever I paste it into tends to use the GIF. Hope that helps.
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