

  • Official comment
    Jen Zemp

    Your BombBomb videos can be shared wherever you'd like!

    Learn how you can get started using this feature.

    BombBomb Knowledge Base: Sharing, embedding, and downloading videos

    If you have any additional questions about this feature, please contact our Care team at

    Thank you!

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    David Brown

    Hi John!

    Thank you for reaching out. You can share a video to LinkedIn by copying the short URL code from the Video's tab. To get there:

    - Click the Videos tab at the top of the page
    - For the video you want to share, click the drop down arrow next to the "Edit" button on the far right side of the page
    - Go to "Link and Share" and you can either copy the URL to paste in LinkedIn, or you can click the LinkedIn icon to be taken to your LinkedIn page to post to your newsfeed.

    I hope this helps, but please feel free to email us at for non-feature request related questions!

    Have a great day!

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