

  • Official comment
    Jen Zemp

    Check out BombBomb's virtual background feature!

    Learn more about how to get started and some of our tips and tricks to help you get the best result. Here are two of our support articles to help you get started.

    Adding a virtual background to your video

    Virtual background best practices

    Please reach out to our Care Team ( if you have any further questions about this.

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    Michael Skattebo

    Hi Sandra,

    Please know that the Virtual Background feature is not currently available but expect to launch it early next week (the week of August 30, 2021.) It is in the final development phases and we are testing it to make sure that it's ready for you.

    This has been a long awaited feature and we'll be very excited when it's ready to roll out. Please expect to hear from our Marketing Team next about the official launch of the product.  

    Thank you! Please reach out to our Care Team ( if you have any further questions about this.

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